X-Culture Project: Getting Things Going

Guest Blogger: Nathan Marles, Nathan M. Bisk College of Business student

I was not sure what to think of X-culture initially but I was prepared to take on the work. Mr. Muth described the project as a great way to experience what an international work assignment might be like.

Right from the start we received an email from the director with our teammates. I was no sooner contacted by a few of my teammates. We talked a little about ourselves and then started right in with talking about our project. As time went on it became harder to communicate only through email. We have now created a Facebook page and are currently voting on our company/product to bring to the US market. We have also created a Google Docs account so that we can share files throughout the group.

I am confident that we as a group can get the project done but, it will be a challenge. The United States moves very fast and makes decisions very quickly. I have actually found myself getting slightly impatient waiting for responses from teammates. With this being said I have taken a step back and realized I will need to be more patient for our project to be a success. I am looking forward to seeing our end product and also excited about having this type of experience under my belt.


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