Florida Tech Swing

About a month ago, my roommates decided that they wanted to learn swing dance. They told me about their idea and I loved it! Coming from an Indian background, I love to dance, whether it is traditional Punjabi dances like bhangra or just casual swing dancing with my friends.

Bummed that Florida Tech offered no such activity, my roommates decided to change that and, of course, I got involved. We were able to recruit enough students that supported our idea and created Florida Tech Swing.

With Florida Tech Swing President Kendrick Buchala (the man who started it all), Vice President Jane Griffin (the girl that made it happen) and Treasurer Howard Zeigler (the driving force of the whole operation), Florida Tech Swing (FTS) has grown rapidly throughout campus. More and more people are showing up to each session. FTS is for anyone who wants to learn how to swing dance or just wants to have a good time dancing with friends or making new ones. Experience does not matter at all – we teach everyone the basic steps and then ease you into more advanced moves.

This project has taught me a lot about swing and I have had an amazing time doing it. Florida Tech offers you the chance to do what you want. If we don’t offer it – that shouldn’t stop you. The Florida Tech Office of Student Activities makes it easy for anyone to start a club or organization that they are passionate about.

I have been appointed historian of Florida Tech Swing, taking care of all the online activities of the club as well as making videos. If anyone wants to join the club, it is every Tuesday and Friday at 7 p.m. and usually runs until 9 p.m. You can easily contact me on Facebook or find us on Orgsync. Examples of what we do can be found here. This is a website that I created using Florida Tech’s server. Every student gets one when they are enrolled in their first semester at Florida Tech. It allows me to display what I do and what I’m up to. Which brings me to my next point: everyone should create their own website. It gets your name out there. People will see what you do and what you’re capable of. Mine is relatively simple. I have a photography section, FTS section and two sections that I am currently working on, which are my research as well as extra activities. Feel free to check it out!


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