A Great Way To End the Year

My first semester at Florida Tech has honestly been the best semester of college that I’ve experienced so far.  I’ve learned some really important things.

  1. You won’t always get along with your roommates.
    You don’t have to be best friends with the people you live with. If you’re having a lot of trouble getting along, move out! It’s not worth the stress and aggravation to keep living somewhere that you’re miserable.
  2. Get involved!
    By getting involved on campus, I was able to meet some really amazing people that I never would have been able to meet otherwise, some of which turned out to be some of my best friends. By joining the Biological Honor Society, the Marine Biological Society, and College Players, I was able to experience more of the campus life and it’s been a great time.
  3. Get ahead on work, instead of just doing it when you have time.
    If you get ahead in your work from the very beginning, you have more free time to hang out with friends and have fun.
  4. Go to the basketball games!
    It turns out that the panthers are kind of amazing and basketball can actually be really fun to watch if you go with the right people.
  5. Have fun!

Florida Tech has not only provided me with an excellent education and challenging course load this semester, but it has given me a second family. My roommates and my friends are probably the best people on the planet and I would be miserable if they weren’t in my life. Florida Tech has so many opportunities for the students that come here, so everyone has a chance to get involved. Was Florida Tech the right choice for me? After this first semester, I can say with complete confidence that Florida Tech is where I belong.

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