Thinking of Being a Biochemistry Major?

As a biochemistry major, you get to combine your love of both biology and chemistry.

At Florida Tech, the program is dual major and part of two science departments, chemistry and biology.

The biochemistry curriculum is interdisciplinary which provides you with a strong background in the general concepts important to all biological sciences, with a focus on biology and chemistry. It will also offer you lots of research experience, hands-on activities, and an understanding of the chemical, molecular and cellular systems and processes that sustain life.

biochemistry major
Biochemistry combines a love of biology with that of chemistry

At Florida Tech, the courses in the first two years of study for a biochemistry major include Biological Discovery 1 & 2, General Genetics and Organic Chemistry 1 & 2. This gives you a strong base from which to grow for the rest of your learning experience.

In your junior year, you’ll begin specializing in the field you will choose during your sophomore year. For a biochemistry major this means choosing an area of emphasis in either biology or chemistry, which will then be the base of the rest of your program. Whichever area you choose, you will get to work and learn directly with the exciting and knowledgeable Ph.D. faculty.

In your final two years, your course study will include advanced courses pertaining to your field and chosen emphasis. Biochemistry majors take the same interesting yet challenging courses regardless of their chosen emphasis, but the courses are adapted to best suit the specific biochemistry student. A biochemistry major at Florida Tech will also have an opportunity for internships and cooperative learning.

When you graduate with your bachelor’s or go on to get a graduate degree, there are lots of careers that await you. You can go into medicine, work on the next great drug discovery or do breakthrough cancer research. Whatever you decide, a major in biochemistry will give you the skills to succeed in pretty much any area you choose.


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