Students Find Protecting the Planet Scintillating

As a university that has evolved alongside NASA’s space program, Florida Tech has always been on the forefront of exciting change. Each semester, sustainability becomes a larger component of life at Florida Tech. From rapidly growing major and minor programs to active student organizations, sustainable education has hit home. Student-run initiatives for protecting the planet such as dining hall composting and electronics recycling have yielded tangible outcomes and inspire other initiatives around campus. Students learn best, protecting the planet, practices to implement in their lives and in business in an effort to maintain our current resources so they will be available to future generations. The sustainability course series produces new waves of young sustainability experts for both our campus and our community each year. Opportunities to engage in sustainability volunteer and internship opportunities are abundant in our community. Students also celebrate Earth Week, the annual event for protecting the planet, each spring to bring about awareness for environmental issues both locally and globally in fun and engaging ways.

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